Tuesday, March 3, 2009
sickness and craptastic internet has resulted in a lag in posts.... will fix that once the interwebs work
Monday, February 16, 2009
2/2 through 2/8

I spent most of the past week ripping cds so that I could burn cds for my mom's jukebox. I waited for the cd to pop out of my computer so that I could add more depth to this otherwise flat image. It is very difficult to color balance because there is like 6 different light temps coming into the pic. I also wish that the hot spot wasn't in the right corner of the pic, but that light needed to be on.

I just thought it was funny that when I set my glasses and stuff down on my computer that it looked like me. That is all.

My gma is finally home from the hospital! This was just a quick grab shot of her sitting on her bed stirring her coffee. I like the somber mood. It was an interesting situation because I didn't want to keep taking pictures of someone just home from the hospital, just so i could have a nice picture for my blog.

Joe was challenging everyone to a chicken wing eating contest, and he finally lost to Matt, his 3rd contest. This is the shot of Matt taking his last victory bite of chicken! I like the look of defeat on Joe's face while there is a mass quantity of chicken in it. You can also see Matt is smirking while eating his last bite. I also like that the foreground is a warmer color and the background is the compliment of that. Also tonight there was a show by the Julia Marie Band. Check out the extra blog for my shots from that!

Today I supervised kids building a fort and having a snowball fight. I thought it was really interesting that you could see their feet peeking out through the exit of the snow fort. It was also amusing that they weren't in snow gear. Overall its just a funny detail shot.

This is photofunia, a silly website that lets you upload your pictures into exist frames. I thought it would be hilarious to see a rural scene spray painted onto a city environment to the point where it looks like a mirror into that rural world. This is a picture I took of an old time baseball game and a photfunia on a graffiti frame.

Today we made valentines for shut ins and needy people. It was a lot of fun. Here you can see Mrs. Porter stamping a piece of the card that was being assembled. I like that this is the anticipation of the end result, instead of just being a stamp on a paper.
Monday, February 2, 2009
1/26 to 2/1

This was a delicious breakfast, in fact it looks so good that I want some right now. All I wanted to do was photograph the table from looking down at it. I wish that I had a lens between 24 and 50, that lens would have been better to photograph this with. Here I was at 24 mm, and I don't really like the distortion happening at the edge of the frame too much in this case. I do really like the angle of the fork and how it is on the plate.

Mom is doing her science class budget for next year. I liked her use of the pencil to point to things, as well as her hand gesture on how she held the book.

Really boring out of focus shot of a whisk. However, I was able to white balance for the weird lights in the kitchen, which made me very happy.

The part of today where I wasn't sick was spent re-editing my awesome photo projects. This is all 3 stages of my project in one shot: editing, final, and final on my web site. I like the lit keyboard and the dramatic-ness of the image. Also I was amused that I could line the 2 versions up so well on my computer.

Me in front of a fireplace. I liked the mood and how well lit my face was.

Today I went to help mom at her modified bball game. She's the 8th grade basketball coach. The top most shot was nice because of the action and facial expressions. This was a difficult shot to crop.
The image above this one was a nice repetition of body language. I love the facial expression of the girl on the right, probably the best player out there. She really meant business.

Just a quick shot of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols singing hymns during church. I liked the closeness of the image.
Monday, January 26, 2009
1/19 to 1/25

Monday Jan. 19: Della's (or my old) apartment living room floor
Della and I had a slumber party in her living room while I was in Rochester. One night we watched a very weird and silly animation called "People" (but this is not the point). This is a shot of very sleepy Della. I liked the body language and angle of the shot, since it is obvious that it is being shot from under the table and on the floor. I appreciate the simplicity of the environment. Also I enjoyed that Della is clearly dressed for the day in (in non-sleepwear), that it is obvious that daylight is pouring in the window, and yet Della is sleeping, or is in a position that says "I don't want to wake up yet."

I needed a shot, or so I remembered while lying in bed trying to sleep. So I pulled out my cell phone and snapped a really dark 1 mp cell phone pic of me sticking my mouth guard out of my mouth. It was a really bland image, until I noticed that Lightroom had a direct positive filter as an option. I was so curious that I clicked on it,and low and behold it made a better, more interesting image just because of the contrast.

I walked downstairs and thought it was hilarious that my brother was talking on the phone and talking online with the same person. I loved the body language he had while on the couch coupled with the fact that his computer lit up his face well. ( Doesn't it look like he is having a fantastic conversation!)I also found that even though there is a large bright spot in the corner of the image, your eyes don't focus on it because of how large and bright it is. It almost hurts your eyes, like staring at the sun does. Because of this, your eyes are drawn to my brother, the point of the picture. On top of that I like the little touches, such as the large pile of Mountain Dew Bottles next to the shoes in the right bottom corner.
Thursday Jan. 22: Nowhere, Nothing, No shot today
Spent the entire day re-editing the project seen here.

Movie Night at the Edge, where I was volunteering. I got a group of kids together to play scene it with me. Its interesting to see what people remember about movies. I just really liked Jake's facial expression that he made while trying to figure out an actor from a really old photo of the actor.

Look we are finally taking down the Christmas tree (its fake, not a dried out old flammable one thankfully). The pattern of light on the box drew me to this image. Otherwise, I think my Dad's left arm looks really freaky. The background also looks a lot like motion blur to me, but it isn't because I know that my house was not moving while I took the photo.

This is where I spent most of the day, working on my smugmug website thing. Typical face of mine while doing webwork. Here's my smugmug though.
1/12 to 1/18

Went to the Edge for a meeting and a paper signing session. For some reason a lot of kids decided to play pool. Its kind of small, but I liked that Nate's eyes were in focus. Also the arrangement of the balls on the table was nice, not too many but enough to show that he was playing pool.
Tuesday Jan. 13: My Living Room
After having not shaved my legs since the first week of July, I decided it was time. It was recommended to me that I document the process, a much more difficult task than I orignally anticipated. I have removed the shaving pictures, at a request. But anyways here are the clean legs.

Wednesday Jan 14: Nowhere, nothing, no shot for today

The above image is just a silly image of Matt modeling through my brothers legs. His facial expression was priceless, that is why it is here.
Below is another picture of Carlton, thank goodness someone is animated on Thursday nights.
I took the photo because of the repetition of raised hands in the image. I made Carlton's hands frame the rest of the hands so that the idea of hands would be more obvious.

This was part of our stalling for the Amanda-driving-up-to-surprise-people day. I liked how obvious the action in this picture was, as well as being able to see the action close up, and her entire face in the mirror. I thought it would be a cool idea to do, and I enjoy photographing in mirrors. Julie was amused. I also appreciate that the light reflecting off the mirror provided a nice fill light on her face in the otherwise dark and nastily lit RIT dorm room.

We surprised Bucky and Della with fun toys, which included Sock 'Em Boppers. Watching Della and Dan go ninja style boxing with those sock 'em boppers was very interesting, if not potentially dangerous for the innocent by-stander. I liked the closeness of this image, as well as the blurred action that shows you how fast they were running around and pounding each other. The anticipation of Dan moving to his left is a nice moment too.

We went to eat at Panera for breakfast. Della decided to get a massive mug of cocoa and I decided to photograph her drinking it, since the cup was so over sized. I liked this one because she wasn't staring at the camera while I was taking them.

This is the view of a bench in front of Sol as I was walking back from Woyak's room. I just really liked what the shadows looked like. Especially that the shadow under the bench so clearly copied the design of the bench. It was monotone already, so I decided to check out Lightroom's default grey scale conversion action. Over all I like it.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
1/05 to 1/11
Sorry for the lateness of this post. Internet issues and the importance of other things have delayed my updating.
Monday Jan. 5: The television
This is just a shot of what I watched today: How I Met Your Mother, the best show ever on tv. I recently bought all of the seasons on DVD, and have been watching them all. This was a fun moment, I just liked the intense moment of frustration and anger in Lily's eyes. Nothing special, just a shot of a tv screen.
Tuesday Jan. 6: My Bathroom
#1 This is proof to the world that I do indeed shower. Albeit, not every day, but showering nonetheless. Secondly, I liked how the steam had effected the mirror in the bathroom so that only a small section of it was still a mirror. I am overall very pleased with this cell phone self portrait.
Wednesday Jan. 7: My Kitchen
We got a brand-new stove, and it is awesome! But before I go on and on about the stove, I am going to cut to the photo. My dad was doing the wiring, and he was shining a very bright light on it. I liked how this light highlighted the focal point of the image, where the wiring was being done. This was my favorite shot of the because it feels like my dad is being so sensitive and careful with the drill.
Thursday Jan. 8: Under my Christmas tree
This is really just a poor example of painting with light, but it was done without a tripod or an assistant. With a tripod a light shining assistant wouldn't have been needed. I think I will try this again sometime with a triopod, since our tree is still up.
Friday Jan. 9: Craig and Ann Elyse's place
I am one of the editors for my church's website, mostly in charge of photographs. Today Craig, Ann Elyse, and I worked on the website for a long while. What I like most about this image is that Craig, the scene, and the computer are all in focus and are exposed to be in the scene together, without needing photoshop to selectively process the areas of the photo.
Saturday Jan. 10: Chris's Living Room
On Saturday, my brother's loudness of having band practice ON TOP OF playing Guitar Hero was too much for me, and I headed off to visit my friend Chris. We watched several movies that night, and at one point I decided to snap a few shots off. He asked me how I could take photos without light. I mentioned that I didn't need light on, but indicated to him that if I did, that there was a light next to me. I proceeded to turn it on, blind Chris, and take photos of it.
Sunday Jan. 11: Honeyville Baptist Church
This photo is just a quick shot of the parishioners in front of me holding a hymnal I just like how the hymnal was being held. Its not that spectacular.
Monday Jan. 5: The television

Tuesday Jan. 6: My Bathroom

Wednesday Jan. 7: My Kitchen

Thursday Jan. 8: Under my Christmas tree

Friday Jan. 9: Craig and Ann Elyse's place

Saturday Jan. 10: Chris's Living Room

Sunday Jan. 11: Honeyville Baptist Church

New Year's Eve! (finally)
On New Year's Eve I volunteered at the Edge. It was a lot of fun. Here are some pics to show case that.
Whats a New Year's Eve party without food and drink? This is focused much softer than I would have wanted it to be, but I did like the forwardness of the action in the image. Also I love that this kid is focusing so intently on his pouring. Kudos to him, that meant that there wasn't going to be a mess to clean up after he finished.
This Photo reminded me of cheesy 80's music videos with the mirrored light and persons. Photographing dancing can be fun if you play with it.
This is an image that shows a photograph can make action seem much, much more epic than the actual action. Carlton fell flat on his face immediately after this frozen moment in time. But he does look pretty cool doing a one handed handstand in the shot.
Like I said this image is a prime example of boys showing off 100 times more than usual in front of females with cameras. Joe's pole handstand break dancing led to many more show-offy antics. Such as the following:
This is Matt doing a Chuck Norris round house kick spin over top of Joe. I especially love the facial expression of Joe. He was cringing the entire time because he was positive that Matt was going to kick him square in the head. (Matt didn't kick anyone all night, but Joe did come close to knocking me over twice). I really enjoy that this picture contains both action and reaction.
And to wrap it up, here is the typical NYE picture of someone toasting to the New Year. I particularly like the speck of light that illuminates the mouth area. I noticed this and was very glad to get one frame that contained this speck of light.
Have a great 2009 everyone!

Have a great 2009 everyone!
Monday, January 5, 2009
12/19 2008 up to 1/4 2009!

I noticed the repetition of santa circles on the table and it was nearing midnight. I needed a photo of the day so I took it. Nothing fantastic, just a picture.

My bro kicked me out of the living room so that he could watch Monty Python and The Quest for the Holy Grail with his friends. I came back and raided the movie party with coconuts and a camera. Cole was lucky enough to be photographed by me. He has crazy eyes when he plays with those coconuts. I didn;t take too many shots so that I could leave the crew alone.

This is one of my photos that supports Nathan's theory of "A girl or a camera makes boys show off. A girl WITH a camera makes them show off even more."
To see the rest of my New Year's Eve pictures check out the extra blog .

New Year New Rockstar. I was playing Guitar Hero (CHEAT ON THE CHURCH- GRAVEYARD BBQ) and my computer was there so I decided to show some attitude and be a rockstar *click*

I bought some sexy pants today (dress pants :D) and decided to take a pic with my cell phone. Not spectacular, but the only shot I took.

My Grandma has been in the hospital for over a week, and today was her birthday so we all went to visit. The sink was crazily shiny because of the direction of the light on the mirror. I only had my cell phone, so that is what the pic was taken with. I really like that you can see the sink in the reflection of the mirror. Also, I can only get good self portraits with a cell phone, so that is what I take with it.

I've been put in charge of photography at my church so that we have images to put up on the website that we are creating. Communion happened this Sunday, and I wanted to capture it for the website. I only had a 70-200mm on my camera in order to mix it up. This was the shot I liked the most because you see young and old, and interaction.
HAVE A GREAT 2009 EVERYONE! Keep checking in here for more updates, more photos, and more analysis!
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