Now to some photos
JAN 12: The beautiful Wedding of Shannon and Aaron
I was not the wedding photog for their wedding. However, I would never not bring my camera, and felt like I got a few shots. Now I just need to get them their wedding present.

I stayed behind the party as they entered the reception hall. Jade the photographer, had gone ahead so that she could get the shots that she needed to. I noticed Aaron sneaking a kiss moments before the new couple walked into the hall. I just really liked the moment.
The lesson that I learned from this photo is that staying in the most obvious, action filled place doesn't always make the interesting or best photo. Looking for something outside of what is expected gets you moments like that one.

I couldn't decide which one of the above two I liked better. Each has their own reason, and neither is perfect. I like shooting through arms and framing pics that way. Unfortunately I didn't have on a fill flash to brighten up Jade who is framing the pics. With a fill flash, I would have been able to use a better DOF (not so shallow as the 1.4 I am using for the pic), so that you can tell Jade is a photographer taking pics of the Bride. But I decided that not messing up the Wedding Photographers photos was a smarter idea.
And Jade was right when she said, "You may laugh at me now but some day you will be shooting a wedding and you will ask the bride to lay down on the pew and pose for some photos."
JAN 13 was spent doing all the homework I hadn't been able to do when I was at the Wedding, and there was no photo :(
JAN 14

Thanks to Jay's sports class I am getting a lot more comfortable with longer glass, and I even enjoy shooting with it a lot more. I am also getting better at shooting sports. I keep looking at my takes from earlier basketball games and see how much better I am seeing the games now. I have also learned that seeing in Sports photo isn't necessarily seeing when you take it, but seeing after you take it. This means that you see the photo during the editing process, through cropping and the likes.
This frame is one of the moments. I knew that the play its self would be a good opportunity for a photo, but I didn't find this photo until I scanned through the series. I feel that all the elements start to pull together. Peak action of the shot, facial expressions on surrounding players as well as the face of the guy blocking the shot, and the ball is in the frame. Jay has taught me a lot about sports photography, and I can't wait to keep doing it.

When this boy approached the puck you could see his determination, but you could also tell that he was a little wobbly. He wound up with all of his might to hit the puck, and the first time he missed. So he tried again, and mustered up all of his strength to hit it. Instead he swung and the momentum of the stick made him start to fall over. Maintaining his perfect form all the way down, he teetered over, puck unmoved. This is the moment where he realized he had missed the puck and that he was about to fall over. The next time he was up to shoot he was the only kid to hit me with the puck.
JAN 15: I know I shot. I just can't find the photos for the life of me. Maybe I didn't upload them.
JAN 16

Tonight was Ed's bday. Unfortunately I had so much to do that I was unable to go hang out at the Coffee House with them all. But later we met up with Ed and his buds at Jay's Diner. My two awesome photogirl ressies tagged along. This sums up the mood of the night. Bucky and ryan were being brain dead and silly and so Anna and Becca have slightly exhausted, but kind of embarrassed/ confused looks on their faces. The repetition of facial expressions and body language is what makes this pic mildly interesting.
JAN 17

This photo is all about the framing.
JAN 18
Today was filled with Hockey.

I determined that I like shooting hockey on the ground more than shooting Hockey in the stands. This is just one of the Wide Angle in the corner shots, nothing spectacular, but a typical hockey clip. I haven;t had much time to edit this shoot yet, so this is what I pulled out. Hockey is so fast and awesome. I can' wait to shoot more of it.
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