Sunday, January 20, 2008

first full week of january

I originally saw this frame in black and white before I approached the scene and took the shot. This is odd for me because I don't think I ever thought that way, even when i was shooting b+w. But it was such a Life magazine photo for me. The bride to be, caring for one of her best friend's babies in the window light of a darkened room. It was a beautiful moment. I wish that the lighting was more dramatic but you take what you can give. I just felt that this was a beautiful moment between Shannon and Kristen and Kurts daughter. I included both frames because I enjoy the black and white image more but wanted you to see what I saw when I approached it.
Lightroom does wonders for toning black and white images, individual channels can be tuned to b+w, its great!


First day of class back at RIT after break, and I had a photo shoot at the Scottsville Hockey Rink. I was intrigued by the milk crates that the kids use to learn the core fundamentals of skating. I decided that my kids will play hockey (or at least learn to skate) at an early age.

The best part about these it the mood and air of struggle and frustration that the kids are dealing with. The top photo has the one boy so frustrated that he quits and rests on the milk crate while the rest of his friends skate around. The bottom shows the determination to keep at it, and I really appreciate everything that these kids are doing to make themselves good little hockey players.


Unknown said...

hey, I really like the B&W first pic, it's very sweet. As for the lighting, it wasn't until you mentioned it that I noticed that the sconces cast a cool shadow. Now, I know that's not what you meant when you said 'dramatic lighting' but I still thought it was nice.

As for the hockey kids, they're funny and yes, it's tough learning to skate. Thankfully, I had learned to roller blade before I ever got on the ice, so the transition wasn't too hard, but I bet my sister had a heck of a time teaching me to get over my fears when she taught me to roller blade.

Moos3 said...

great photos as always amanda. Keep up the work, I really Like the black and white. I like how the black and white draws you into the women and the baby. keep up the good work.