Sunday, December 21, 2008

At Nathan's place

From 12/20 to 12/21 I was at Nathan's house in Haliburton, Ontario, Canada! Here are a few fun shots from the weekend, or just things I felt like sharing.

This is the view towards the lake from the top of the hill at Nathan's camp.

Here is Nathan's crazy dog. I like this shot because he looks real laid back and its a simple shot. And yes he is a crazy dog.

This is the dog one second,

and the next second, he looks like this for no reason!

Nathan took me on a tour of the camp, which was by far the most awesome camp that I have ever walked around. Here we are exploring the wild unknown of the girls' bathroom.

Nathan also taught me how to play the basic form of settlers of catan. I still am a little clueless when it comes to playing (and boy can his brother kick butt at this game). This is just a fun depth of field shot.

Here is another fun shot. I bought Nathan of Anti-Monkey Butt Powder, and he LOVED it. I knew he would enjoy it, but I had no idea he would like it that much. Eventually it ended up being a facebook image and status. Oh and this just goes to show all people make stupid photographer faces when they take photos, not just me!

Overall the trip was awesome despite the massive travel issues open my return. It was fun to go and I hope to visit again some day when the weather isn't potentially going to kill me!

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