This is what I did to entertain the boys after they finished opening presents. My DS is in the front. I guess the screen was just plain blue since the light was going off on their faces and my screen too. They were greatly amused I was taking pictures of them. We were playing mario party ds, and I was losing until the end of the game, where a freak occurrence led me to win.

This is another "I wish it was in focus better" moment. Ben got a Guiness Book of World Records book, and he opened to the page with 3d goggles on it. Conviently on that page was also the woman with the world's largest boobs. The 2 little boys kept quickly opening the book to that page, looking at the image, giggling, and closing it. The fact I got the shot in focus this much is pretty impressive to me. The moment is very hilarious though.

Grab shot! Afterwards Mike was like "I had no clue what you were doing" and I still don't know if Becky knows she was photographed.

The one thing about Christmas Eve is the amazing amount of photos that get taken. This is a shot that shows 4 people trying to get a photo of my grandparents. I liked that the flash was going off in the frame, and that my grandparents are blown out by light overkill.

Becky pulling the sneak attack photo, only to be stopped by her father who was waving his hands through her shot. And also notice this nice quantities of ham on the table. MMM ham.

This was a hilarious moment to watch. Karen is telling her daughter to pose with a Barbie doll for a photo, but Abigail wants to keep putting the Barbie in front of her face as a joke. I like that you can see this happening in the shot.
So that was my Christmas Eve in a nutshell: food, family, fun, photography, and Nintendo.