Anyways here are some photos I liked that illustrate what I have been doing
since September.
Chris Coughlin and I have been playing lots of old NES
carts. Chris recently came across a gold mine of cheesy games so we have excitedly been reliving the life of blowing and hitting systems and cartridges in an attempt to get a fuzzy image to show up on screen. The best game was the one about the aliens that kidnapped ghengis khan, froze him, and defrosted him to take over the universe.
This next photo is one of my favorites. I noticed the composition of everything and could not
resist playing with my 14-24mm f/2.8 to get a fun advertisement-ish photo.
This is a successful photo for a few reasons:
- The focus is on the controller. This is obvious because of its size and placement in the frame. Also the rest of the image is abstracted.
- I think the vignetting that occurs through this lens is pretty nifty.
- I love the depth of field sharp in front and not so blurry in the back that all you can see are blobs of light. There is enough information to give a context of the photo, without making it a boring snap shot.
- I enjoy the trailing off of the cord. Its an element that helps to further pull your eye into the picture.
If I could change one thing about this, I would have exposed for the TV, and popped a strobe on the game controller and chris' feet. That way you can see the game, and not be as distracted by the glowing bluish wh
ite light from the tv, and still see the controller.
Exposing for a tv is difficult and will take much practice. It is something I will play with.
And besides video games, I also play lots of board games with my parents. Here my dad and I play Life.
It is quite bright to the right because we had set up a light so that we could see the board and not wake up my mom. So it was interesting to work with such a high concentration of light to one side of my subject.
Alright, enough of that for today. Maybe tomorrow I will throw together a rough edit of a multi-picture package/ story. Bucky: The Winginator
1 comment: played Life without me?
*feels dejected*
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