Mrs. Johnson's classroom
I spent the day subbing for 8th grade science. During one of my breaks I ran around taking some pics of weird stuff in the class room.
In the end I just decided to play with the depth of field of the desks. It reminded me of the old photos of the abandoned Chernobyl clas
sroms by Paul Fusco and some bbc photojournalists. So I made the image black and white to mirror those.
Tuesday 18:
I wasn't feeling too great today, so I didn't shoot off any photos.
Wednesday 19:
I swore that I took some photos today, but I can't find them to save my life.
Thursday 20:
My Mom's office at school
This one is not too complicated. I found a Groucho Marx glasses thing in the storage room of my Mom's classroom after school. I decided I wanted to see what I would look like wearing it, so I put it on and took a pic. I thought I looked amusing so I kept taking self-portraits until I got this one that I liked best.
Friday 21:
Teen Idol at The Edge
The Edge Teen Center did an American Idol style singing competition this week. I was the media person and made dvds, videos, and photos for the event. I decided that I would post one photo about each kid in the competition since I spent Tuesday and Wednesday editing the videos for this and didn't have any photos to post from those days.
This is Shelly. She sang Selena music. her first performance was fantastic but she got too nervous at the end of the second one and placed 3rd overall. This photo is from her first song, and it shows her confidence,
as well as the applauding crowd in the back.
Carlton was very shocked to be eliminated in the first round. He is a talented boy, but he blew it trying to incorporate a live band. The band fell apart when Carlton when in a different direction than they had practiced. Carlton failed to heed my musical advice when I warned him to sing his song and just accompany himself on guitar. I chose this pic because it shows the reality of his situation sinking in as he listens to the judges critique his song.
This was Dave. He was very into singing for the competition. I think he practiced so much that he killed his voice. He came in second overall, but I felt he messed up too much to even be there. His voice was too squeaky and was cracking. This picture illustrated Dave's mindset of the stage and performance as a rockstar in front of a large crowd.
Chris was very animated when he sang, and he was very passionate about the songs he chose.
However the kid can't carry a tune in a bucket, but I bet he's a good rapper.
This photo showed his passion about
doing it, and everyone else not too excited about it while he was up there.
Nate entered the contest as a joke, which is one of the reasons he was my favorite to go on to the 2nd round, which he didn't end up doing. He was going to sing the pokemon theme song, but didn't know the words. He started with Ice Ice Baby and promised to sing the rest of the song if he went on to the second part. I thought this picture represented the Nate of the competition. There for fun and having a fun time doing it, especially when Jake makes him laugh from the front row while he's singing.
And this is Casey. Casey won the show. He is a very talented country singer, even though he is a hard rock boy. Casey was a true show man. He won with the song
"Skin" by Rascal Flatts. ( A song about a girl with cancer, whose prom date shows up with a shaved head to take her to prom) Casey removed his cowboy hat at the point in the song that talks about the boy shaving his head for the girl. He had shaved his head for the performance. This photo shows that Casey, even though he was talented, didn't think he would win because he was the underdog. I liked that he was hiding his face while DJ was really excited to announce that he was the winner.
Saturday 22:
Craig and Ann Elyse's
I was at Craig and Ann Elyse's for a very good dinner, and this is one of the decorations in their house. I thought it was beautiful so I took some photos playing with how much ambient light that I let through. I liked this one that didn't have that much ambient coming through.
Sunday 23:
Honeyville Baptist Church
My church has a very talented teen puppet team that travels around doing skits and stuff. They do a skit every Sunday morning for the children at the church. I turned around and quickly snapped this photo. I like that the kids are really paying attention and the parents are taking advantage of the small break they get where they don't have to entertain their kids.
That is it for now! See you next time!